Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My letter to Diane Feinstein on the 5th fleet in Bahrain

I write this letter to you as a 4th generation Californian deepconcerned about human rights in the Middle East. You are my Senator, as well as a member of the Senate Appropriations Defense Subcommittee.

The organization Human Rights First Recently published an announcement entitled "Sham Trials in Bahrain Prove Need for Greater U.S. Pressure."

THe point of this article is that continued human rights abuses, particularly the jailing of human rights activists and opposition leaders makes Bahrain an improper partner for the United States in the Middle East.

I strongly encourage you to support legislation that prohibits appropriations for the continued basing of the US 5th fleet in Bahrain if these abuses continue. The credibility of the United States on human rights issues is jeopardized by continued military cooperation with the current regime in Bahrain.


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