Friday, May 16, 2008

Anniversary Joy

C and I celebrate our 14th anniversary today. We will go out tomorrow but we managed to sneak a little picnic lunch this afternoon. Ironically, we both mentioned how much it seems like just yesterday we got together and yet we both feel like we have always been together. It's been a real joy and seems unbelievable that we have been together for 14 years.

In the past year we have started running together and have only managed to grow closer. We're both close to the same size we were two kids ago when we met now too. Its been great to grow into a whole new level of physical activity together. Its been a hard week of training for us this week. I am very proud that C is still up and at it after her big half marathon two weeks ago.

C has accomplished so much in 14 years. Two kids born at home and a Masters Degree. She also delivered dozens of babies during this time. I finished an MSEd and am very close to finishing my MDiv now too right after she finishes her Family Nurse Practitioner.


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